Friday, September 19, 2014

letters to Norby #25

Dear Norby-

It's been a while since I wrote to you, but you haven't stopped amazing me lately. You've become such an interesting little person, who love trucks and trains. It's ever so sweet when you play with your little red engine and say in the quietest little voice "choo-choo". My favorite thing to do with you is read "Little Blue Truck", we've spent so much time reading that book that I can recite the opening page on cue. Reading with you is so nice, you snuggle into a grownup lap with the book you've chosen and point out your favorite characters. You know all your barnyard animals, as well as all kinds of trucks.

Thank you for being my sweet little nephew. I am so happy I get to see you more often now and that our time together is so much fun.

See you tomorrow...

Love your favorite auntie

It's been a while since I've written you a dear letter my sweet little boy. You are turning into such a smart, nice child. My favorite thing that you do is bring books to me, and then snuggle in my lap while I read out loud

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