Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Since I only blog three times a week now, I think my little resolution series will have to be biweekly-ish, otherwise, I’ll be bored, you’ll be bored, and well that’s not really the point.  For the first resolution, I vowed to be a better member of the blog community by commenting on posts by other bloggers. I will say I am not quite at the level I vowed to be, but I’ve been definitely putting in more effort of saying hello and offering some encouragement to others out here on the internet.  Baby steps are still steps in the resolution department here, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was I- so progress is still coming.

Now for the next resolution. The goal is to make something in the Crock Pot once a week all winter long. Not too long ago I made delicious chicken chili and it was so good. I just took the last bit from the freezer and enjoyed it for dinner. Since I want to eat healthier and smarter, and stop eating super lazy every week night, this feels like a great way to stock up the freezer with better grab and heat meals. I think I am going to start with Katharine’s Minestrone soup – mmmm looks amazing and looks freezable (minus the pasta, which can be added or substituted with rice).

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