Monday, March 26, 2012

gonna surprise them all

I took an extended weekend this week, I just felt like all I was doing lately was working with not much life balance in there. I also had a sense that after taking a 24 hour trip to Vermont I would need another day to just unwind and get done things around my apartment.  Why a quick trip to the north? One of my best friends turned 30, and a surprise party was thrown for him. It had been a really long time since I had made the journey up to Vermont- almost two years now, and had been that long since I had visited this group of friends. The weekend was so much fun, we caught up just like old times and I got to see the house he and his wife bought last summer. He was completely surprised too, which means another successful surprise party for another friend (I swear everyone is having a surprise 30th birthday party this year). It also made me a bit nostalgic for Vermont, where open space and trees are much more abundant then around the city.  I promised to visit again soon, when I could stay a bit longer and visit some of the old stomping ground from our college days.

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