Monday, October 7, 2013

bedtime rituals...

Minds out of the gutter readers, please. This is more of a something sweet I like to do each night before I turn out the lights. Most evening routine involves the normal things, washing the face – which usually involves a makeup wipe because I am lazy, a bit of moisturizer for the face, brushing the teeth and flossing. Once I hope in bed, a few things must happen, I must read at least a page of a book, I cannot get sleepy without a bit of reading, and when I turn out the lights, I’ve gotten in the habit of saying good night to my someone, where ever he may be right now. Call it crazy, call it sweet, it’s just what I do – I want my person to know that I wish do wish for a pleasant sleep, and a great tomorrow. I don’t really know when I started doing this, but it dawned on me a few months ago that this is just part of my life until that someone comes into my life.

(photo from pinterest)

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